When the weather starts to turn colder, most people start to bundle up more and venture outside a bit less frequently. Animals are often the same way. Some animals will start to get ready to hibernate for the winter, while other ones are going to start looking for a place to call home. Often, wildlife find the inside of homes a perfect place to call their own and they will need to be handled carefully to protect the home and the occupants.

What Types of Wild Animals Might Go Inside a Home?

Racoons, bats, squirrels, birds, mice and a variety of other animals might try to make their way inside a home. They can often fit into very small spaces so it’s easy for them to get in and out of a structure, even if the homeowner doesn’t notice a way to access an area of the home from the outside. Any local animals looking for a place to be during the colder weather might find your house attractive.

What Are the Wild Animals Looking For?

Wild animals are generally looking for protection from the weather, protection from other animals, and easy access to food. The attic is the perfect place for an animal that can get inside because larger predators will not be able to get in easily and because the attic is typically warmer than outside as well as protected from freezing rain and snow.

The animal can also find something to eat inside your home depending on what is available. If they prefer to eat insects, for example, they might find insects in areas of the home that you don’t have access to.  This allows wild animals to eat without having to leave the warmth and security of the structure. Otherwise, they’ll find a food source close to their new home so they don’t have to go far to eat.

How Can This Be Prevented?

Most animals are going to find any small hole they can use to get into a home or structure, so prevention should include checking the inside and outside of your home carefully to repair any damage that could allow animals in. Screens can be used to further prevent entry by blocking the smaller holes in vents outside vents.

What Should Happen if an Animal Gets Inside Your Home?

Animals are often noisy and easy for a homeowner to hear. They also leave droppings, so even if a homeowner doesn’t see or hear the animal when they check the attic, for example, they’ll know an animal has been in their attic. As soon as any signs of an animal have been noticed, the homeowner should contact a wildlife control company for help.

A professional will be sent to their home to determine what type of animal has entered the home and to remove the animal. Often, they will also let the homeowner know if they noticed any way the animal could have accessed the home so this can be fixed to prevent more animals from getting inside.

Are you wondering, What do wild animals do during the fall? They tend to look for somewhere to protect them from the weather and to provide easy access to food. Make sure you learn more about what your local animals might do during the winter and the signs that might reveal there’s a wild animal in your home. This way, you can take the appropriate action quickly to remove them from your home.

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